Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The magic solution to fat loss

!±8± The magic solution to fat loss

I'm sorry. I would not have used this product such a title.

However, it has been done to make a point.

How many of you were very excited because we have not thought once again that the ultimate solution to fat loss, it finally happened?

The point of this article is not to try and find some magic solution, but to explain why they spend their lives trying to chase his tail, a unit that has magically into the body of your dreams in a matter of will, find resultsDays.

I have a real aversion to people, the millions selling products that do nothing more than to win the final goal. This goes for pills, magazines, material goods or anything else that promises much, but nothing better.

If truth be told, this article could be a book in itself! This book would never end, but because people like you to start looking for realism, but very effective ways to lose body fat through mental and physicalEffort will remain the market for such products.

So here we have, the most popular and most likely invalid magic solution fat loss!

The Power Plate:

The theory behind the Power Plate is that the vibrations of the machine due to stimulation of the muscles are created faster in many contractions. The story goes on, this causes the muscles toned and helps you lose weight and increase strength.

Marketing support all types of benefits from thoseabove, greater flexibility and basic skills for better coordination.

My answer:

1) In order to always have a strong stomach and legs are tight no matter how electrifying a muscle stimulant. If you're not on a solid diet plan, you will not need to minimize body fat so not really much better by Jelly Belly!

2) If this type of vibration is the solution for energy and fat loss, because not every meter / meter pilots perfect fit.Surely an hour, would every morning and evening work wonders! What about the jackhammer operators, who have vibrated for hours every day, yet they are still fat!

3) Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise Journal (2003), which is cited as a source of scientific evidence on the Power Plate is complete commercialization, "Whole Body Vibration must overcome the potential strength in the knee extensors previously trained force women the same extent as resistanceTraining at moderate intensity "

Moderate intensity is not done, not so much for this success!

In addition, it would be pretty much the muscles are working in some way has brought benefits in terms of strength 'previously trained "women. And' highly unlikely that it will not affect anyone who has had a little 'of strength training.

Finally, on this point, the research compares dynamic exercises on the dish machine-based exercisesWeights. Dynamic, functional movement is gaining more strength (and fat) compared to the typical fitness-based, which is why the foundation of the module lead Storm Force Fitness Program.

4) I will always, always, help you lose fat as part of a global solution for fitness. In order to exercise hard and eat well, and you will get massive gains in strength, muscle tone, flexibility and weight loss. I can not understand people who want to lose fat without really want to feel a million times better and live amuch more satisfying, improving all areas of their fitness at the same time.

5) You can achieve a certain degree of force to gain weight. Beyond this point, there must be involvement of the weights in one way or another, be it barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, or ideally be a combination.

6) Where is the challenge, while standing on a vibrating platform?

It could be argued that these machines might improve the efficiency of your heating system in the gym.They are, however, if a professional team sport to play the odds, you will not need to play soccer or tennis, to learn how to mobilize the joints and warm the muscles in a functional way, you can go to apply in every situation.

Do yourself a favor and find out how the weight drastically during your all-round fitness and athletic ability to improve rather than trying to take the lazy way to lose. I am a much better person physically and mentally in a row.

Vibrant absCar:

The theory behind the machine vibrates as the Slendertone abs is very similar to the pot. Apparently the electrical impulses stimulate muscle contractions that gives you a great six-pack!

The reasons for this are covered in trash talk about the Power Plate.

However, there are other aspects to consider.

Even if it worked (which it does) does not change the core strength and stability to build muscle It is arguedthat the use of Slendertone is similar to hundreds of crunches every day. This is probably true, because hundreds of crunches will not give you a firm stomach. This activity is useless if you enter a competition-resistance crunch! The key to improving the physical appearance and performance of progressive overload, which is constantly adding more weight to vary, led by repetitions, rest periods, etc. This is impossible with this type of machine slendertone.com (June 102008) has argued that the TVA (transverse abdominal) is very difficult to reach with conventional exercise. This is a blatant lie, how to get there, some in storm force Abs using breathing techniques and struts to give you rock hard core muscles first, developing the "Six Pack". Getting a six pack is impossible without addressing nutrition and getting your body fat to 10% if you are male and about 17% if you are a woman. Even here I do not thinkthat a body can be made very attractive with nothing but hard work and eat healthy!

From roles:

If you do not know what I'm talking about sandwiches, seem little cradle in which you find with the head on the pillow and hold on the frame of the roller face. The idea then is to use the frame for you to run crunches.

The idea is that it can help those who do not perform crunches without outside help. As with most fitness equipment, allThis is to obtain a solution to the problem (and a bad solution), rather than the cause.

The cause is weak abdominal muscles and trunk which means that the person does not have the strength to drag into the crunch position and to generate the control of their upper body during the descent.

This is exactly why for years must pass through various stages of nuclear development and the abdomen, so that you can solve the weak abdominal muscles and trunk, instead of trying to cheat. Inshort, medium and long term results will be in terms of increased strength, injury prevention and looks much better!

The use of weapons in this movement is similar to putting a motor on the bike and ask yourself, why do not you all closer in shape! I bet you can not take a walker on the treadmill or wear bracelets while swimming.

Why? Since you have the time to learn (at some point in your life), as it should.

Another important point on AB is to limit the rolesCourse (not that real success can be done anyway). As mentioned in discussions of magic, electric cars, stop this exercise has limitations that have not made any progress other than to do, can be repeated. This will help to make the resistance of the abdominal muscles support crunch, but did nothing to improve their appearance.

Finlly promotes the type of exercise in the posture of the body bent forward. As for most people, bad posture, sitting at a desk and haveDriving all day, this will only serve to compound their problems and encourage poor posture and back pain another complication.

Nintendo Wii Fit:

As soon as I heard of this invention, I knew the world was in difficulties. I also knew it would sell very well, unfortunately.

For the uninitiated, the Wii Fit is essentially a series of computer games, which presumably helps the whole family to lose weight. It includes stretching, weight, and these gamesand also controls your body mass index and gives you goals to aim for.


1) There is another invention that the problem does not address the underlying cause. In this case, the china in Britain and the rest of modern society is to be overthrown. The use of computers and other technologies are largely responsible for the newfound laziness and idleness, we see everywhere. What ever happened to children playing in the park for three or four hours every weekend?

2)The Wii is attracting people away from real life outdoor exercise, which offers numerous advantages, together with the activity

3) The old argument of body weight again. There is only so much you can get with the body weight in relation to strength gains and improve your physical appearance.

4) Why is a computer game that people can play what they want. However, this could not be further from the truth that the risk of RSI in the same way largelike any other sport played on a regular basis. This is particularly the wrist, elbow and shoulder strains to "launch balls" or "boxes", without specific charges or trial is to strengthen the muscles of the rotator cuff and that helps stabilize and protect the shoulder during such movements. The danger is that it increases the chances even less of the players warming up properly.

5) The player can not get anywhere near the intensity required for real gains in fitness and fatWhen the loss was essentially in place.

6) Are you sure you want to run the site appears a screen for 30 minutes? This is not only tedious, but you can not burn to get the proper biomechanics and energy expenditure increased by running sprints or intervals in a hurry.

7) The promotion of marketing for Nintendo, which will help address accounting issues. However, there are exercises to counteract the effects of muscle and worked on, pressups. How is it balanced? It can only lead to further conversations hunchback!

8) The psychological point of view, how do you think a girl of 10 years will react when the computer tells her she is overweight because of their increased BMI?

Get out there yourself! Rocking some kettlebells! Sprint in the park! Forget the computer for real fitness and fat loss!

Gym machines:

It makes me laugh when people come into our studio personal training in Nottingham and seemed confused about why wevirtually no equipment.

Unfortunately, he decided that the headquarters of fitness to leg presses, leg extensions, pec DECS contain etc.

These machines are useful for nothing if you are trying to become a professional bodybuilder, and you need to isolate individual muscles, a perfect symmetry, if there was dancing on stage to produce in a bathing suit.

Here are the basic machines are still significantly lower than free weights for strength gains in all the fatLoss:

1) The purpose of these machines is to isolate the muscles. Unless the muscle at a time, the fewer calories you burn during and after the meeting. If you think you are looking for muscle growth. Chances are if you reached this article, I'm not a bodybuilder, but are designed to burn fat, but functional and attractive body looking in no time. This can be achieved only with whole-body movements with weights.

2) Nearly all of theseMachines include session. Your body is designed to move freely. He wants to run, jump, bend, lift and rotate. If you want to give your body a good performance in daily activities and sports, you can not train in places!

3) If you want to increase your strength, you must learn to use the body as a solid unit. This is known as a strong, coordinated kinetic chain that works well as a well-known. If you treat your muscles as individual entities, your body will remain only as strong asits weakest link.

4) The Smith machine is a popular tool for people who bench press and squats. However, you can use to move your body in an arc of movement, would of course do, what to put on your biomechanics and the risk of injury.

5) steppers and treadmills are very popular. During the treadmill can be a great tool in the winter, as the stepper motor, is often abused. The next time you are in the gym, to see how many people stick to the supportAppeared on the cardio machines. This prevents you from using your natural movement and rhythm and is strongly limiting progress. Moreover, the attitude is often shocking to the duration of the session. I saw a man putting the gradient on the treadmill right and then hold onto the handrail and front seat. This effectively put him back angle would have been if he had remained flat! All he had reached his arms a good workout with hang!

Hopefully this articlewill keep you from falling more expensive for everyone, but largely useless "fitness equipment". There are many scams marketing is to be vigilant in addition to the above!

Stick to free weights and natural movements of your body and progress.


The history of medicine and science in sports magazine, 2003, vol. 35, No 6

The magic solution to fat loss

Comparison Frye Heath Riding Boot


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